Seven things you need to know.
Fluid Running is not the same thing as aqua jogging. Both exercises are performed in water and may appear similar, but there are significant differences between them. An on-line search of aqua jogging shows dozens of articles (and videos) about how to run in the pool. However, each one has a slightly different explanation and method, making it difficult to understand how to do it correctly. And that is the very first difference between aqua jogging and Fluid Running.
Fluid Running is a systematic method.
Fluid Running teaches proper deep water running form. Jennifer Conroyd, the founder of Fluid Running and an A.C.E. certified personal trainer, USA Track & Field certified coach, and water running coach created a 5-step method to teach people how to mimic land running form in the deep water. Instructional videos break down the 5 step method (along with the nine other movements to keep the workouts challenging and engaging.) Not only does Fluid Running take the guesswork out of aqua jogging, but it does so with research and science behind the methodology. Fluid Running is the only app-based deep water running system available in the world.
Fluid Running is performed in the deep water.
Sometimes aqua jogging is performed in the shallow water, running back and forth across the pool. Fluid Running is performed in deep water and has the benefit of allowing you to run much faster than running in shallow water. It is also completely non-weight bearing which is ideal for people who suffer from some kind of lower body pain. Lastly, the Fluid Running methodology teaches you how to stay in one place so you need much less space than when aqua jogging in the shallow water.
Fluid Running is not boring.
Aqua jogging is rightly criticized for being boring. It’s difficult to stay motivated while running by yourself in deep water. Fluid Running has changed that. Fluid Running is a deep water running total workout system that includes instructional videos, all the gear you need and audio workouts. These workouts are music backed, created, and led by Jennifer. Fluid Running offers a dozen workouts that vary in length and intensity. Choose between a deep water endurance run, a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) run, a track run, or a 5k or 10k. With so many options and Jennifer leading, motivating, and challenging you there is no chance you will be bored.
Fluid Running is not cross-training.
Articles often describe aqua jogging as a form of cross-training. Fluid Running mimics land running form so it counts as a run, but better. Fluid Running gives you all of the benefits of land running plus the added advantage of engaging your core, stabilizer muscles, shoulders, and arms which are all forced to work hard when running in deep water. Fluid Running for an hour, keeping your heart rate in the same zone (adjusted for hydrostatic pressure) counts the same as running for an hour on land.
Fluid Running is not “high knees”.
Aqua jogging often encourages pulling up your knees towards your chest while running in deep water. Fluid Running teaches proper running form with its 5-step method whereby the legs closely imitate running on land and the body is held in the upright position. Rather than pull up the knees, Fluid Running teaches quad forward, leg sweeping through the water with a relaxed foot. The same motion is repeated on the leg’s back sweep, applying equal force on both the legs’ push and pull.
Fluid Running always uses a flotation belt and never aqua dumbbells.
Frequently, aqua jogging suggests running in the deep water without a flotation belt or adding aqua dumbbells. Fluid Running recognizes that to mimic land running, the use of a flotation belt is essential. Neglecting to wear a belt risks injury (potentially hurting knees by kicking out sideways to help stay afloat), poor form, and the ability to obtain peak performance. Similarly, the use of aqua dumbbells prohibits proper arm swing. To imitate true land running form, arms are bent at the elbow, swinging back and forth through the water. Adding aqua dumbbells restricts full range of motion risking shoulder and elbow injury.
Fluid Running is revolutionizing aqua jogging.
Running in deep water is one of the best ways to workout. It’s completely non-weight bearing thereby eliminating any negative impact on the body. It offers both a strength and cardio workout simultaneously. It combines HIIT and endurance. And yet it’s the most misunderstood workout. Fluid Running dispels the aqua jogging stereotypes, harnesses the benefits, and creates a revolutionary program for everyone. It’s the workout your body has been waiting for.