Danny Kilrea runner

Fluid Running During Injury Results in Notre Dame Record

Jennifer Conroyd had the privilege of speaking with Danny Kilrea, assistant distance coach for the University of Tennessee Cross Country Team, discussing his journey with Fluid Running. A distinguished graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Danny proudly held the position of captain of the cross country team in 2021….

Before and after photo

Rising Above Pain: Weight Loss with Fluid Running

Discovering Fluid Running: A Lifeline for Health An active gymnast and track runner in her youth, Freyja Kendrick had her first significant knee injury in high school after a bad dismount, and she’s never been the same.  Medically obese since high school, she had several other injuries over the past decade, including…

Debbie before and after Fluid Running

How I Lost 70 Pounds with Fluid Running

No Pain, No Limit: How I Lost 70 Pounds with Fluid Running At Fluid Running, we love telling success stories to spread the word about this amazing workout and how it is changing lives. We heard about Debi Mitchell when she commented on our Fluid Running Fans Facebook page. She generously…

Kristina fluid running

How a Fluid Runner Turned Adversity into Fuel to Run the Boston Marathon

Running with Purpose: How a Fluid Runner Turned Adversity into Fuel to Run the Boston Marathon To say Kristina Cocculoto is an inspiration is an understatement!  We were honored to be part of her “Victory Lap” of strength and perseverance. Read her incredible story of determination to fight her risk…

84 yr old finishing marathons

84-Year-Old Fluid Runner Still Finishing Marathons

Defying Time: 84-Year-Old Fluid Runner Still Finishing Marathons We had the pleasure of interviewing long time Fluid Runner and physician Dr. Hal Brown.  He’s 84 years old, still running (on land and in the water) and he’s not slowing down anytime soon!  We are inspired by him.  Hope you are too! Jennifer Conroyd,…

Marine Corp ultra marathon

Ankle Injury to “EPIC” Marine Corp Ultra Marathon

This running success story is so good, it made it into The Wall Street Journal! Maren Wiseheart was training for her very first ultra marathon, The Marine Corps Ultra Marathon, when multiple setbacks had her believe she wouldn’t be able to make it to the start line.  Then she discovered Fluid Running!…

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Fluid Running Is The Best Cardio Strength And Endurance Workout For Me

Fluid running is the best cardio strength and endurance workout for me. I can do it every day and the hydrostatic pressure of the water can I help my heart rate come down so fast after I get it so high in one of the hip cardio workouts. It is a pain free workout that can be done anywhere, anytime, all you need is a pool!

Alyssa P.

Love It More Than Words Can Convey. Life Changing!

It’s totally changed my energy level. I feel so much more toned and fit and energetic, and I cannot say enough positive things about it. I just love it.

Lynda W.

It helps keep the mileage off my legs and helps prevent overuse injuries.

My patients have adopted Fluid Running, and they’ve been raving about. Oftentimes they can’t do aerobic exercise well because of their medical issues, and the Fluid Running works great for that group.

Dr. C.

Kept me engaged. Made the time go really fast.

I miss running on the road, but I’m not able to do it anymore because of aches and pain and injuries, but I see this is a viable alternative that I’m able to do.

Barb B.

I reccommend it to anybody of any age

For me, it has been a lifesaver because it’s the only workout I’m able to do. I recommend it to everybody. There is no impact.

Gayle D.

The first time I got in the pool with it, I was able to move my entire body, pain-free.

Kiona S.

Great workout with no impact

Motivational Speaker & Ultra Runner

Adam K.

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