We asked avid Fluid Runner Judy V. to tell us about her health journey and how Fluid Running has helped her along the way.– Jennifer Conroyd
I started Fluid Running in 2012 after a friend introduced me to it. I immediately fell in love with the exercise, and it has helped me recover from several injuries & surgeries including foot tendinitis, knee meniscus, and rotator cuff repair. My doctors approved of Fluid Running as a post-op exercise and told me I recovered quicker than the norm because of being in good shape, which I attribute to Fluid Running. In some cases, I was not able to do land exercises but I could get in the pool as soon as the incisions had healed.
I was recently diagnosed with a health issue and was told it would help if I lost weight. I accepted the challenge and have lost 55 lbs in 6 months. I changed my eating habits to a healthier diet and continued with my Fluid Running at least 3X a week. Often times I would do additional days with the Fluid Running App and workouts, and I would do the newer shallow water workouts on days I didn’t Fluid Run. I even went on a short vacation during my weight loss and was able to keep up my exercise with the shallow water workouts on the app, not skipping a beat with dropping the pounds. The nice thing about the shallow water workouts is no equipment is needed other than my phone and headset! It saves space in the luggage! I am able to get my heart rate as high during the Fluid Running shallow-water workouts as I do during the deep-water workouts, and the core exercises are amazing! Another exercise trick I did was use the Fluid Running App workouts with my spin bike. A little creativity goes a long way, like doing “jumps” for “running ups”; cranking up the resistance for “long cross-country” or “long stride running”, and peddle quickly for “sprints” or “short cross-country”. It made the workouts go faster when I used “brain exercises” to improvise on the bike!
I have been able to go off several of my medications due to the weight loss, and physically I feel 20 years younger. I have so much energy and am able to do activities that were restricted to me before. I hope to continue to lose more weight and further improve my overall health. I firmly believe that I could not have achieved this success without Fluid Running. It’s not just cardio benefits but also strength-building. The weight seemed to “melt off” and I felt very “toned up” in the process. I have never been a runner on land, but I can do anything in the water!