Women in Wellness article image

Why giving happiness GETS you happiness!

Jul 8, 2020 |

Founder Jennifer Conroyd’s interview with Authority magazine, a Medium.com publication is live! Thank you to Dr. William Seeds for a great interview!

NBC 5 Tech Trends: Healthy Living

Feb 29, 2020 |

NBC 5’s Art Norman has some of the latest tech trends with the help of a lifestyle expert on all things to better your health.

Womens Fitness magazine image

21 Best Fitness Apps 2019

Jun 26, 2019 |

Honored to have been included as one of the 21 Best Fitness Apps for 2019, along with FitBit, BeachBody On Demand, and many other great apps.

Triathlete Taren in the pool

Review of the new WATER RUNNING technique Fluid Running

Nov 4, 2018 |

Fluid running is the all new deep water running technique that has been called one of the 20 Best Workouts in America, it’s the new water running technique that Triathlon Taren is using to run faster without getting injured.

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